Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Vote for Pedro is a Wasted Vote

I was in Seattle a couple of weeks ago and during my three days there, I saw six different people wearing "Vote for Pedro" shirts. Now I love Napoleon Dynamite as much as the next guy (maybe a little less), and I'm a big fan of those types of pithy, smart, sarcastic shirts worn by San Francisco counterculture (a bigger fan than most--I own a few).

I had thought that I was so cool when I grabbed a couple of these types of shirts a while back thinking, for once, that I might be fashion forward. But then y'all go and kill my dream--all these damn shirts everywhere! We can't ALL be unique and funny and cool. So now i'm just back to being a tech nerd who wears jeans and buttondowns. Damn you all.

You can only imagine my delight when I saw this one out and about:
Pedro Lacks Political Experience

Take THAT! Counter-counterculture t-shirts. It's about time. Your whole smarmy t-shirt trend can go self-combust. See if I care.


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