Thursday, November 03, 2005

I can't believe MicroCenter is still in business

I seem to have made some traction by blogging about bad experiences in the past, so here's another:

Don't buy anything at MicroCenter. They sell two types of computer products: those from brand-name manufacturers that you can get online for much less money, and generic white-label items that they brand.

Last month, I made the mistake of heading to MicroCenter to buy the latter. In spite of the fact that major manufacturers sell PCs for $500 or so (I didn't need a monitor or any fancy specs), I headed to MicroCenter in search of a deal. Sure enough, I found a "PowerSpec" (MicroCenter brand) tower for about $420, with "good enough" specs (2 GHz Athelon, 500 MR Ram, 150 GB HD).

I was content with my purchase until, 5 weeks later, the system clock started acting up. Whenever I turned the computer back on, the clock would be wrong (usually, the date as well as the time was totally off). Sure that the PC was still under warranty, I brought it into the Cambridge MicroCenter, where I purchased it five weeks earlier.

The service was absolutely horrific:
  1. Although they knew that they couldn't even look at my computer for 3 days, they would not schedule me for a service appointment then. They insisted that I drop my computer off NOW so it could sit on their bench for 3 days until they got around to it. Mind you, my computer was mostly fine, so I'd be losing it for NO reason--they just didn't have their act together to draw up a service schedule. When pressed, the woman on the phone explained that "it just couldn't work that way." Apparently, MicroCenter doesn't hire employees with enough competence to use a calendar. Good thing that Dr offices, automotive service repair shops, and restaurants have managed to crack this very complicated problem.
  2. Even though I had purchased THEIR brand of computer from THEIR store a mere 5 weeks earlier, they charged me $85 JUST TO LOOK AT IT! I was horrified.
  3. They somehow managed to break my computer and "fix it", thereby keeping the $85. That is, they called me and told me that they couldn't get it to boot (the ONLY problem I had was the clock when I had brought it in). Magically, though, when they tried to boot it, they claimed that they couldn't--that they had to "safe boot" it and reinstall a video driver.
These are just the facts. I leave out the fact that the actual customer service was frustratingly slow, that the salespeople were pushy (like used car salesmen) when I was considering a purchase, and that the service reps were disinterested with me, their jobs, or the quality of their service.

There is absolutely no reason for you to go to MicroCenter. Just skip it. The stuff that they sale is junk (and they know it because they don't offer free repair for even 35 days) and the name-brand products are cheaper elsewhere. Do yourself a favor and stay away.



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Anonymous said...

Microcenter rebates are a joke.
I purchased $3000 worth of computer equipment that came with Around $500 worth of rebates from both the manufacturer and Microcenter. GOOD LUCK. Microcenter makes it very difficult to properly fill out the rebate forms in a timely manner.THEN....... it has taken almost 4 months for Microcenter to inform me that they have RECEIVED my rebate request. WOW. And, it will only take an additional 8-10 weeks to process my request. This means...... That if you purchase from Microcenter and, figure out how to properly apply for your rebates (within the time frame that you are given to apply) You can then expect to wait approximately 6 months for your money. I will never buy from Microcenter again. I suggest that you do the same.