Friday, May 27, 2005

Who are 8 white guys who have more rhythm than I do?

GLC. aka Goldie Lookin' Chain. Check out their website here.

These guys are NOT a boy band. 8 white dudes, a little dorky for image, but they put on a great show tonight at the Independent in San Francisco. High energy in addidas jumpsuits, headbands, and the trademark gold chains, GLC got folks jumping around with their hip hop style original mixes (all on mics with pre-recorded soundtracks, they call it "kareoke"). Most of GLC reminded me of Sean Purcell, without the worm (though there were a number of times I thought they were going to bust it out).

The accents on these blokes made them difficult to understand (with the exception with some "clear as fuck" jabs at more renown pop stars) but my head was bobbing nonetheless. If you're in Chicago or NYC (their two remaining "state side" shows), do yourself a favor and check these guys out.

(posted from my cell phone)

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