Monday, January 17, 2005

How to Get Into Harvard Business School

I'm posting this to save time. Of late, a few different friends have asked me how to get into this school. I guess the applicaiton deadline is approaching.
The answer is: (wait for it..........) I don't know. Either that, or "there's no secret."
Here are a few thoughts though:
  • When I was applying, i saw a bunch of folks on the web trying to sell "the secrets" to get in. Don't buy them. It's a scam. Just think a bit...
  • There are no "templates" for accepted applicants. yah, there are a lot of bankers and consultants, but in my section we also have a half dozen folks from the military, one guy who worked at UPS, a couple entrepreneurs, a marketer from a consumer products company, a number of folks who worked for non-profits, etc.
  • In the essays, don't waste your time trying to prove that you've played with the most amount of money. It's not interesting, and you're probably wrong. Instead, focus on telling them who you are.
  • Before you write your essays, make a list of character attributes that you want the person who reads your essays to attribute to you. Then pick essay topics and focus your writing on conveying those attibutes. Hint: HBS sells itself as a school that's interested in "educating leaders." These attributes are good things to coordinate with your recommenders.
  • Bill Gates did not write a recommendation for me. Neither did Steve Ballmer. Neither did anyone with a VP (or even General Manager) title. I picked folks who knew me well. Peers and my manager.

Anyway, I'm now pointing my friends to this post instead of writing them all emails. It's going to save me from carpal tunnel. I love technology.


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